We need to find a good market. The guidebook is nearly useless. Who wants to travel and end up at a mall that has all the stores you have back home? Maybe the authors and editors feel obligated to tell those people who left their Sephora mascara at home where they can replenish, but really? If I'm in San Juan or Paris or Tehran, I have bigger fish to fry than a visit to the mall. All right, now that that is out of my system. We found (online - take note travel book publishers) a market that was described as more local than touristy, with fresh food, and a sidewalk full of vendors. We went. But first, we had to figure out how to get there. The bus station in old San Juan has a man in a glassed-in outdoor office that sits up on a wall about eight feet high, with a little speaker attached to where you try to talk to him. Even in English, this was not going to work. People stood at the wall, pressed the button, then yelled into the box, then had to step back about four fee...
...to Myanmar, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Spain, Iran, India, Ethiopia, France, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Estonia, Peru and Bolivia.