“When good Americans die, they go to Paris.” - Oscar Wilde There must be a technical term for my condition. I can't keep calling myself an Arriving and Leaving Narcoleptic. Can I anagram it? Addressing my seat companion: "I'm sorry, but I have a raging case of ALN." Seat companion: "Really? What's that?" Me: "Arriving and Leaving Narcolepsy." SC: "And what, exactly, is that?" Me: "It means that as this plane starts to taxi for take off, I'll suddenly pass out and probably start snoring. The same thing will happen as we land. I'm apologizing in advance in case my head lolls onto your shoulder, or I drool a bit. Other than that though, I'll be shockingly wide awake!" SC (looking around for another seat): "Ummmm....." Now, there are worse problems to have. I could be a nervous flyer, I could smoke, I could be flying with a cat. But this whole comatose upon take off and landing thing is gett...
...to Myanmar, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Spain, Iran, India, Ethiopia, France, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Estonia, Peru and Bolivia.