I've written about that thrill of discovery that happens when you arrive somewhere in the dark, then wake up and finally get the chance to look around at where you have landed. That happened today. I came down the ramp that leads into the hotel's restaurant for breakfast, and I see the most magnificent blue water, then a little further down the ramp, I see green mountains being kissed by white fluffy clouds. It is stunning. The city of Puno sits along the right side of the lake, stacked house upon house up the side of the mountain. During breakfast, I can see a small herd of light brown guinea pigs running around the lawn. At some point, two llamas join them and begin grazing right outside the window. This is Lake Titicaca and I'm at 12,555 feet elevation. The clouds look closer than normal. Side note about those wild guinea pigs - or "cuy." These are not the ones that they raise at home here for food. These are wild and a light brown color. These are t...
...to Myanmar, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Spain, Iran, India, Ethiopia, France, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Estonia, Peru and Bolivia.